A signed Photo I found on the Web

Monday, February 15, 2010

Who am I?

So I can tell you are dying to find out more about me. My "About Me" section just doesn't do me justice. Like I said, my name is Andrew Zanoni, I am 24, and currently working towards my BFA in Dance from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. I didn't start my dance training until I came to college, but my movement history began long before then.

When I was younger, I had tons of energy. I spent a lot of my time choreographing dances in my bedroom for my sister and me to perform for my parents in our living room. I would spend hours watching and rewinding tapes of music videos attempting to learn the dance breaks. I wasn't aware that training in dance was available to me, so instead I asked my parents if I could enroll in gymnastics. There was a gymnastics studio in town and I was enrolled immediately. I didn't last long, just two years, but the two years was enough for me. I was bitten by the physical bug and I wasn't going back.

Through middle school I wasn't too active, mostly because I was going through so many physical changes, but when high school came around I found the closest thing to dance: color guard. Although I never actually "danced", we had choreographed routines and that was good enough for me. In my freshman year, I auditioned for the musical and was cast. Within the first week of rehearsal however, I came down with a horrible cold and was kicked out of the show. When I look back at the situation now, I wish I had put up more of a fight with the director. Who knows, if I had made it through the entire production, I may have fallen in love with dance much soon then I have.

Graduation came around and it was off into the "real world". I did not come to UW-Milwaukee directly after high school. Instead, I worked full time at a gas station and paid my way through two part-time years at MATC (Milwaukee Area Technical College). Once I had enough credits to transfer out, I applied and was accepted to UW-Milwaukee. My first year at UWM was spent as a theatre major but it wasn't long until I noticed fliers for an audition. The audition was for another musical, and this time I would make it through the entire show. West Side Story introduced me to dance and I was hooked. The choreographer suggested I audition for the Dance Department and I did. When I was accepted into the department my world changed.

I was suddenly part of a new world with new vocabulary and new people. I probably looked like a dear caught in headlights throughout my entire first year. After my first year however, I became more comfortable with my technical ability as well as my creative skills. Now, I am in my last year and I feel like I've grown so much.

When I am asked about what my goals are and where my interests lie, I have a hard time explaining it. I am the type of person who goes with the flow and doesn't make long-term plans. As of right now, my goal is to graduate college. After that, who knows. I could stay in Milwaukee if I find work. I, of course, NEED to give New York City a shot. As a performer, I can't not go to NYC and test the waters. Who knows when I'll make it out there, but I will!

In regards to my work and what influences it, my life influences it. What is happening in my world and the entire world will influence the dances that I make. Because my world is so "small" right now (the same people, same teachers, same city), my art is mostly affected by what is happening with me as a person. I can't predict what I will be making a year from now, five years from now, or ten years from now. I will change and the world will change. The best thing for me to do is to take it day by day and see what happens.

This blog however, is not about me. This blog is about a modern dance choreographer who I have a particular interest in. Ted Shawn is the founding father of Jacob's Pillow and a very well known choreographer in the dance world. This blog will be about him and his accomplishments. I just thought you'd enjoy getting to know me ;)

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