I looked for a long time for direct world events that Ted Shawn used as inspirations for dances, but I could not find any specific examples. So instead, I looked up 1929 and found some of these extremely important events.
Here is just a short list of events that could have influenced the works of Ted Shawn
- The Stock Market Crash
- The 1st Academy Awards were held in Los Angeles
- The Museum of Modern Art opened in New York City
- The St. Valentines Day Massacre took place in Chicago, IL
- Pope Pius XI emerges from the Vatican ending a nearly 60 years of "self-imprisonment"
- Pablo Picasso painted two abstract cubist works
- Salvador Dali and Rene Magritte were painting works as well
It's hard to saw what world events were influencing Ted Shawn, but I can speak from experience, It is hard to ignore what is happening in the world around you. The world around Ted Shawn was extremely exciting and constantly changing and I am sure his work was as well.